How Long Does Swelling Last after BodyTite?


If you are looking for a body contouring option to address stubborn fat deposits without surgery, consider BodyTite liposuction in New York City. A safe, minimally-invasive cosmetic procedure, BodyTite liposuction allows for efficient removal of stubborn fat and cellulite reduction along with noticeable skin tightening effects. However, like other minimally invasive treatments, some swelling will …

BodyTite Liposuction: Get Attractive, Shapely Knees without Surgery

BodyTite Liposuction

The knees are a major problem area for both women and men as it easily stores fat and impacts the overall appearance of the legs. Even people who lose weight through diet and exercise are often left with bulging pockets of fat around the knees. Traditional liposuction is can slim and contour the knees, but …

How Long Does It Take to See BodyTite Results?


With the development of advanced techniques that provide outstanding results, body contouring in NYC has become increasingly popular cosmetic procedure in recent years. One body contouring technology that is making waves is BodyTite. A versatile modality for reshaping various areas, BodyTite contouring surgery utilizes patented radiofrequency-assisted liposuction (RFAL) technology to provide safe, gentle, and effective …

BodyTite Liposuction: Frequently Asked Questions

BodyTite Liposuction

Stubborn fat pockets on various body areas prevent many men and women from achieving a slim, toned physique. The problem arises when excess fat doesn’t respond to natural fat reduction measures such as diet and exercise. Fortunately, minimally-invasive cosmetic surgical procedures such as BodyTite in NYC can provide the desired results. BodyTite is a radiofrequency-assisted …

BodyTite Scarless Armlift vs Traditional Arm Lift Surgery

Arm Lift

Upper arm fat is a major cosmetic concern among women, which can be the result of excessive weight loss, natural aging or heredity. Loose or sagging skin under the arms is difficult to be corrected with diet and exercise alone. Now, a more advanced, minimally invasive arm liposuction option is available to get results similar …

BodyTite Scarless Arm lift – An Alternative to Brachioplasty

Scarless Arm lift

While sleeveless dresses and bridal tops add to women’s beauty and style, upper arm fat is a factor that makes them hesitate to wear such dresses. “Bat wings” often force women to cover up and hide their arms. Flabby arms can be the result of weight fluctuations, age-related hormonal changes or reduced physical activity. BodyTite …

Who is a Good Candidate for BodyTite?


When even rigorous diets and exercise fail to get rid of that stubborn fat, many men and women turn to liposuction to achieve their body contouring goals. Even though conventional liposuction can remove fat effectively, it leaves behind loose skin. An innovative radiofrequency-assisted procedure, BodyTite in NYC overcomes these concerns and helps you achieve attractive, …

BodyTite – An Innovative Radiofrequency Assisted Liposuction (RFAL) Option

BodyTite – An Innovative Radiofrequency Assisted Liposuction (RFAL) Option

Many women and men seek to achieve a sleek, well-shaped body to look youthful and attractive for as long as possible. However, despite strenuous exercise and diets, most people find that excess fat deposits in various areas just refuse to budge. Liposuction has been proven the gold standard to get rid of this stubborn fat. …