What Are The Benefits Of The BodyTite Breast Lift?

Breast Lift

An inevitable condition that happens at a certain stage in every woman’s life, sagging breasts are caused by factors such as aging, pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight fluctuations, gravity, and genetics. Breast lift surgery can address this concern and provide firm, youthful looking breasts, but many women are hesitant to undergo this invasive procedure as it involves …

Restore Perky Breasts with a BodyTite Breast Lift

Breast Lift

Most women consider firm, perky, youthful looking breasts a very desirable trait. However, aging and pregnancy can cause loss of skin elasticity and result in flat, sagging breasts. Breast lift surgery or mastopexy was the only option women had earlier to address this aesthetic concern. Traditional breast lift surgery involves incisions and scarring, which makes …

How Long Does Swelling Last after BodyTite?


If you are looking for a body contouring option to address stubborn fat deposits without surgery, consider BodyTite liposuction in New York City. A safe, minimally-invasive cosmetic procedure, BodyTite liposuction allows for efficient removal of stubborn fat and cellulite reduction along with noticeable skin tightening effects. However, like other minimally invasive treatments, some swelling will …

How Long Does It Take to See BodyTite Results?


With the development of advanced techniques that provide outstanding results, body contouring in NYC has become increasingly popular cosmetic procedure in recent years. One body contouring technology that is making waves is BodyTite. A versatile modality for reshaping various areas, BodyTite contouring surgery utilizes patented radiofrequency-assisted liposuction (RFAL) technology to provide safe, gentle, and effective …

Who is a Good Candidate for BodyTite?


When even rigorous diets and exercise fail to get rid of that stubborn fat, many men and women turn to liposuction to achieve their body contouring goals. Even though conventional liposuction can remove fat effectively, it leaves behind loose skin. An innovative radiofrequency-assisted procedure, BodyTite in NYC overcomes these concerns and helps you achieve attractive, …

BodyTite – An Innovative Radiofrequency Assisted Liposuction (RFAL) Option

BodyTite – An Innovative Radiofrequency Assisted Liposuction (RFAL) Option

Many women and men seek to achieve a sleek, well-shaped body to look youthful and attractive for as long as possible. However, despite strenuous exercise and diets, most people find that excess fat deposits in various areas just refuse to budge. Liposuction has been proven the gold standard to get rid of this stubborn fat. …