BodyTite Thigh Liposuction – Post-Op Care Tips to Follow to Maximize Results

BodyTite Thigh Liposuction

Most women find it difficult to address the stubborn fat deposits found in the inner and outer thighs. Caused due to certain factors such as weight gain, genetics and hormones, these fat deposits are resistant to just diet and exercises. Though traditional liposuction can slim and contour the thighs, it involves invasive surgery under general …

BodyTite Arm Lift – Facts You Should Know

Arm Lift

Sagging, flabby upper arms or “batwings” are a major aesthetic concern, especially among women. Caused by factors such as weight gain, heredity, and natural aging, upper arm fat is usually resistant to even strenuous diets and exercise. Until recently, brachioplasty or traditional arm lift surgery was the only option to address this concern. Today, reputable …

BodyTite Love Handles Liposuction to Slim Down the Flanks


Flanks are a common area for fat accumulation in both men and women. Caused due to weight gain, hormonal changes, aging, genetics and pregnancy, this excess fat in the waist – referred to as love handles – usually fails to respond to even rigorous diets and exercise. Fortunately, liposuction is a proven way to get …

Who is An Ideal Candidate for BodyTite Liposuction? [Infographic]

BodyTite Liposuction

When even strenuous diets and exercise fail to address stubborn fat, many men and women turn to liposuction to achieve their body contouring goals. Unlike conventional liposuction which requires general anesthesia, modern body contouring procedures involve the use of minimally invasive methods that require only local anesthesia. BodyTite liposuction is an innovative minimally invasive option …

How to Prepare for BodyTite Inner Thighs Liposuction

Inner Thighs Liposuction

Weight gain, genetics and hormones cause fat accumulation in the inner and outer thighs, which most people find difficult to resolve with just diet and exercise. Though traditional liposuction surgery can remove such stubborn fat, it involves general anesthesia, extended downtime, scars, and long recovery. Fortunately, minimally-invasive options like BodyTite inner thigh liposuction Manhattan can …

BodyTite Upper Arm Liposuction for Well-defined Arms

BodyTite Upper Arm Liposuction for Well-defined Arms

Upper arm fat is a major aesthetic concern, especially for women. Natural aging, weight gain, arm fat accumulation and sagginess and hormonal imbalances are the main factors that cause flabby upper arms. No matter how hard people try, even rigorous workout and diets cannot resolve excess fat and sagging skin in the upper arms. BodyTite …

What Are The Top Benefits of BodyTite Arm Liposuction?

Arm Liposuction

Upper arm fat is a major cosmetic concern for women, especially when it comes to wearing sleeveless dresses and halter tops. Caused by factors such as weight gain, heredity, and natural aging, arm fat accumulation and sagginess is most often resistant to even strenuous diets and exercise. Till recently, traditional liposuction was the only option …